Company H’s Digital Twin-based Solar and Power Management System

페이지 정보

Data Center · Energy Integrated Monitoring Big Data Environment · Safety · Energy IBSilon TIM
작성일 24-05-30 14:20





Lately, interest in power energy management, including ESG management and new and renewable energy, has been receiving plenty of attention. At the same time, issues on production efficiency are being highlighted due to increases in industrial electricity rates. To respond to this issue, introducing a photovoltaic (PV) system and building related power equipment, while simultaneously monitoring related power/energy data based on a digital twin, were necessary.



The project launched photovoltaic (PV) modules and management systems, related power equipment, and the SmartLMV system to manage them, and comprehensively monitored digital twin-based solar power generation and power system usage. The service provides information, such as solar inverter events, power generation, and average operation time, as well as information on power usage by monitoring power usage, power factor, and active power, and supports the FEMS monitoring system with related events, thermal imaging cameras, and CCTV.

#digital twin #smart factory #electric energy #real-time monitoring

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보유기간 : 뉴스레터 및 ㈜위엠비의 마케팅 정보 수신 거부 시까지

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