
WEMB, a digital transformation expertWeMB revitalizes the overflowing ICT DATA, transforms, and shares it into meaningful information.

WeMB standardizes and integratesvarious types of data from around the world.

WeMB is the optimal service provider that can continuously research, develop, and expand the IoT platform, digital twin data hub, 3D data object standardization and marketplace, digital twin control monitoring platform, and federation DT technology that connects digital twins.

  • Founded
    January 2004
  • Sales
    KRW 12 billion
  • Employees
    97 people

* As of December 2023 (including WeMB Corp. Taiwan)

Main Business

  • Digital Twin

  • Intelligent Integrated Monitoring

  • Big Data & AI

  • IoT & Smart

  • ESG

WeMB Vision

There is plenty of data from around the world.​

Such data is valuable, but is not shared or interpreted properly, is piling up, or even thrown away. WeMB believes that gathering data from various sources, visualizing and intuitively interpreting it, and sharing it across organizations is the optimal way to give such data life and increase its value.

  • Mission

    A leading company in IT technology that aims to find the balance between the preservation of the Earth's natural environment and the evolution of human civilization

  • Vision

    A company that equates the social value of a growing company with the social value of its employees

  • Core Value

    A company whose greatest value is dynamic movement, based on expertise and practicality


위엠비 뉴스레터

뉴스레터 구독을 등록하시면 매분기 실제 고객의 도입사례, 최신 IT트렌드 등 실무에 도움이 되는 정보를 보내드립니다.

뉴스레터 및 ㈜위엠비의 마케팅 정보 발송을 위한 개인정보 수집 이용 동의 (필수)​

항목 : 회사명, 부서명, 이름, 직급, 이메일, 연락처

수집목적 : 뉴스레터 및 ㈜위엠비의 마케팅 정보 발송

보유기간 : 뉴스레터 및 ㈜위엠비의 마케팅 정보 수신 거부 시까지

※ 위의 개인정보 수집.이용에 대한 동의를 거부할 권리가 있습니다.

그러나 동의를 거부할 경우 뉴스레터 및 ㈜위엠비의 마케팅 정보 고지가 제한되며, 이벤트 참여 및 경품 발송이 제한될 수 있습니다.​​